common grounds - a web comic by corey marie kitley
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The first comic Today's comic

ok, i thought that i'd made it clear what was going down with the 2 comics, but i guess i didn't. meep. here's the deal.

Life's So Rad is what i'm currently working on, daily, monday through friday. it's available at

Common Grounds is on a current hiatus. i'm going to do one final storyline in about a month, that will be a conclusion for the story. the comic and its archives will be available at, as they always have.

you can still buy trendwhore shirts here. now go buy some!

Click here to tell a friend about Common Grounds!

all comics, characters, layout, design and otherwise are copyright, © 2000, corey marie kitley. common grounds is proud to be a keenspot comic. common grounds may not be reproduced without the author's expressed permission. all rights and merchandizing opportunities reserved. void where prohibited, your milage may vary. hi justin. ^_^
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how punk is that?

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