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As you may or may not realize, doing the daily strip requires quite a bit of work. It all starts with Daniel and I writing the story, and then working out the script. We try to stay a few months ahead with the story, and a few weeks ahead, with the script, to know what's coming, and how to foreshadow and lead up to it.
The original drawings are done with a #2 mechanical bic pencil onto Strathmore Sketch pad. When I get everything the way that I like it, I ink with a 03 Micron tech pen. I've never tried inking the "real" way, with ink and the funky nib pen things, but I'd like to some day.![](images/strip/2.jpg)
After inking the strip, I scan it at 200 dpi in black and white. I pull the image into Corel Photopaint 9, and use a color mask to select the outlines, which I copy onto a new layer. I use the magic wand tool, and brushes of varying opacity and size to color in the strip. I then add the text onto new layers, and then resize the whole image to 72 dpi. I add the text bubbles, then the border and title and copyright to the strip. When everything's in just the right place, I export to a .gif file.
The coloring process varies in length of time, depending on the complexity of the strip. It may take as few as 10 minutes, or take as long as 45 to an hour. Generally, it takes about 20 minutes to a half an hour to color. Penciling and inking take about 10-25 minutes, again depending on the amount of detail. My favorite place to draw the strips is at burger king on my lunch hour -- for some reason, I work best when there's a lot going on. ![](images/strip/3.jpg)
Oh yes, as you can see, my animals assist me in the entire comic process. ^_^
all comics, characters, layout, design and otherwise are copyright, © 2000, corey marie kitley. common grounds is proud to be a keenspot comic. common grounds may not be reproduced without the author's expressed permission. all rights and merchandizing opportunities reserved. void where prohibited, your milage may vary. hi justin. ^_^